Moi, c’est Aurore Richel. Actuellement Professeur Ordinaire Ă l’UniversitĂ© de LiĂšge (Belgique), je suis  Docteur en Sciences Chimiques de formation. Je suis Ă©galement membre titulaire de l’AcadĂ©mie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique depuis 2023.
Ma spĂ©cialitĂ© ? La chimie des ressources renouvelables. Je tente de comprendre comment transformer les ressources renouvelables en produits d’intĂ©rĂȘt valorisables, en molĂ©cules, en nouveaux plastiques ou en Ă©nergie et biocarburants. Je m’intĂ©resse Ă concevoir des procĂ©dĂ©s respectueux de l’environnement, qui permettent de satisfaire nos besoins en matĂ©riaux ou en Ă©nergie, sans compromettre les besoins des gĂ©nĂ©rations futures. Un sacrĂ© challenge …
Mon parcours ? J’ai intĂ©grĂ©Â le campus de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech de l’UniversitĂ© de LiĂšge en 2008. J’ai Ă©tĂ© nommĂ©e pour y dĂ©velopper le domaine Ă©mergent de la « chimie verte ». J’ai successivement occupĂ© toutes les fonctions, « PremiĂšre Assistante » puis « ChargĂ©e de cours », j’ai finalement Ă©tĂ© ordonnĂ©e « Professeur Ordinaire » en 2017. Je dirige Ă l’UniversitĂ© de LiĂšge, depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, le Laboratoire de Biomasse et Technologies Vertes, qui est reconnu pour son activitĂ© d’excellence en « chimie verte et ressources renouvelables ». Je suis l’auteur de plus dâune centaine de publications scientifiques, de plusieurs chapitres de livre, de brevets et mĂȘme d’un livre autour de ma thĂ©matique de spĂ©cialitĂ©.
Mes journĂ©es ? J’enseigne Ă l’UniversitĂ© de LiĂšge, du niveau bachelier au niveau master, la chimie des ressources renouvelables. Je dirige aussi des recherches dans cette thĂ©matique, encadrant une vingtaine de doctorants. Je publie nos rĂ©sultats et tente de les faire connaitre Ă la communautĂ© scientifique. Mon travail et celui de mon Ă©quipe fait Ă prĂ©sent preuve dâune reconnaissance sur la scĂšne internationale. J’ai ainsi crĂ©Ă© une plateforme internationale de recherche coopĂ©rative sur les procĂ©dĂ©s durables de conversion de la biomasse vĂ©gĂ©tale en partenariat avec lâUniversitĂ© de KobĂ© (Japon) et Texas A&M (USA). Je suis aussi fortement impliquĂ©e dans la formation des femmes scientifiques issues des pays en dĂ©veloppement ou Ă©mergents avec plus de 25 Ă©tudiantes (master ou doctorat) accueillies au sein de mon laboratoire de Gembloux au cours des 5 derniĂšres annĂ©es.
Mes publications ? Elles sont consultables via le lien suivant:Â
Sinon, en voici une liste sur les 5 derniÚres années.
Martinez-Villarreal, S., Kammoun, M., Richel, A.
The critical role of hydrogen in the development of new biofuels
(2023) Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 39, art. no. 100716
Fan, X., Guo, H., Richel, A., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Qin, P., Blecker, C., Ren, G.
Preparation, physicochemical properties, and formation mechanism of quinoa self-assembled peptide-based hydrogel
(2023) Food Hydrocolloids, 145, art. no. 109139
Kammoun, M., Margellou, A., Toteva, V.B., Aladjadjiyan, A., Sousa, A.F., Luis, S.V., Garcia-Verdugo, E., Triantafyllidis, K.S., Richel, A.
The key role of pretreatment for the one-step and multi-step conversions of European lignocellulosic materials into furan compounds
(2023) RSC Advances, 13 (31), pp. 21395-21420.
Adhami, W., Richel, A., Len, C.
A review of recent advances in the production of furfural in batch system
(2023) Molecular Catalysis, 545, art. no. 113178
Tien, N.N.T., Nguyen, H.T., Le, N.L., Khoi, T.T., Richel, A.
Biodegradable films from dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel pectin and potato starches crosslinked with glutaraldehyde
(2023) Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 37, art. no. 101084
Fan, X., Guo, H., Teng, C., Yang, X., Qin, P., Richel, A., Zhang, L., Blecker, C., Ren, G.
Supplementation of quinoa peptides alleviates colorectal cancer and restores gut microbiota in AOM/DSS-treated mice
(2023) Food Chemistry, 408, art. no. 135196
Zhang, H., Liu, H., Qi, L., Xv, X., Li, X., Guo, Y., Jia, W., Zhang, C., Richel, A.
Application of steam explosion treatment on the collagen peptides extraction from cattle bone
(2023) Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 85, art. no. 103336
Fan, S., Wang, D., Wen, X., Li, X., Fang, F., Richel, A., Xiao, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hou, C., Zhang, D.
Incorporation of cinnamon essential oil-loaded Pickering emulsion for improving antimicrobial properties and control release of chitosan/gelatin films
(2023) Food Hydrocolloids, 138, art. no. 108438
Wang, S., Yin, C., Yang, X., Richel, A.
Barter mode: The institutional innovation for affordable and clean energy (SDG7) in rural China
(2023) Biomass and Bioenergy, 170, art. no. 106725
Zhu, S., Sun, H., Mu, T., Li, Q., Richel, A.
Preparation of cellulose nanocrystals from purple sweet potato peels by ultrasound-assisted maleic acid hydrolysis
(2023) Food Chemistry, 403, art. no. 134496
Wang, S., Yin, C., Li, F., Richel, A.
Innovative incentives can sustainably enhance the achievement of straw burning control in China
(2023) Science of the Total Environment, 857, art. no. 159498
Tien, N.N.T., Phuc, H.G., Nguyen, H.T.H., Le, N.L., Khoi, T.T., Richel, A.
Productivity of biogas production from dragon fruit branches co-digested with pig dung
(2023) Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Guo, H., Hao, Y., Yang, X., Ren, G., Richel, A.
Exploration on bioactive properties of quinoa protein hydrolysate and peptides: a review
(2023) Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63 (16), pp. 2896-2909.
Zhang, H., Qi, L., Wang, X., Guo, Y., Liu, J., Xu, Y., Liu, C., Zhang, C., Richel, A.
Preparation of a cattle bone collagen peptide-calcium chelate by the ultrasound method and its structural characterization, stability analysis, and bioactivity on MC3T3-E1 cells
(2022) Food and Function, 14 (2), pp. 978-989.
Blanchard, S., Verheggen, F., Van De Vreken, I., Richel, A., Detrain, C.
Combined Elevation of Temperature and CO2 Impacts the Production and Sugar Composition of Aphid Honeydew
(2022) Journal of Chemical Ecology, 48 (9-10), pp. 772-781.
Martinez-Villarreal, S., Breitenstein, A., Nimmegeers, P., Perez Saura, P., Hai, B., Asomaning, J., Eslami, A.A., Billen, P., Van Passel, S., Bressler, D.C., Debecker, D.P., Remacle, C., Richel, A.
Drop-in biofuels production from microalgae to hydrocarbons: Microalgal cultivation and harvesting, conversion pathways, economics and prospects for aviation
(2022) Biomass and Bioenergy, 165, art. no. 106555
Richel, A., Maireles-Torres, P., Len, C.
Recent advances in continuous reduction of furfural to added value chemicals
(2022) Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 37, art. no. 100655
Wang, S., Yin, C., Jiao, J., Yang, X., Shi, B., Richel, A.
StrawFeed model: An integrated model of straw feedstock supply chain for bioenergy in China
(2022) Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 185, art. no. 106439
Doucet, R., Bibang Bengono, G., Ruwet, M., Van De Vreken, I., Lecart, B., Doucet, J.-L., Fernandez Pierna, J.A., Lejeune, P., Jourez, B., Souza, A., Richel, A.
Highlighting a New Morphospecies within the Dialium Genus Using Leaves and Wood Traits
(2022) Forests, 13 (8), art. no. 1339
Jeannerod, L., Carlier, A., Schatz, B., Daise, C., Richel, A., Agnan, Y., Baude, M., Jacquemart, A.-L.
Some bee-pollinated plants provide nutritionally incomplete pollen amino acid resources to their pollinators
(2022) PLoS ONE, 17 (8 August), art. no. e0269992
de Crane dâHeysselaer, S., Bockstal, L., Jacquet, N., Schmetz, Q., Richel, A.
Potential for the valorisation of brewerâs spent grains: A case study for the sequential extraction of saccharides and lignin
(2022) Waste Management and Research, 40 (7), pp. 1007-1014.
Hong, J., Mu, T., Sun, H., Blecker, C., Richel, A.
Photoprotective effects of sweet potato leaf polyphenols and caffeic acid against UV-induced skin-damage in BALB/C nude mice
(2022) Food and Function, 13 (13), pp. 7075-7087.
Tien, N.N.T., Le, N.L., Khoi, T.T., Richel, A.
Characterisation of dragon fruit peel pectin extracted with natural deep eutectic solvent and sequential microwave-ultrasound-assisted approach
(2022) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57 (6), pp. 3735-3749.
Chen, J., Sun, H., Mu, T., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Richard, G., Jacquet, N., Haubruge, E., Goffin, D.
Effect of temperature on rheological, structural, and textural properties of soy protein isolate pastes for 3D food printing
(2022) Journal of Food Engineering, 323, art. no. 110917, .
Broos, W., Wittner, N., Geerts, J., Dries, J., Vlaeminck, S.E., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Richel, A., Cornet, I.
Evaluation of Lignocellulosic Wastewater Valorization with the Oleaginous Yeasts R. kratochvilovae EXF7516 and C. oleaginosum ATCC 20509
(2022) Fermentation, 8 (5), art. no. 204
Segers, A., Dumoulin, L., Megido, R.C., Jacquet, N., Cartrysse, C., Kamba, P.M., Pierreux, J., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Francis, F.
Varietal and environmental effects on the production of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds for the food industry by confrontation of agricultural and nutritional traits with resistance against Bruchus spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae)
(2022) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 327, art. no. 107831
Zhang, H., Qi, L., Shen, Q., Wang, R., Guo, Y., Zhang, C., Richel, A.
Comparative Analysis of the Bioactive Compounds in Chicken Cartilage: Protective Effects of Chondroitin Sulfate and Type II Collagen Peptides Against Osteoarthritis Involve Gut Microbiota
(2022) Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, art. no. 843360
Negui, M., Zhang, Z., Foucher, C., Guénin, E., Richel, A., Jeux, V., Terrasson, V.
Wood-Sourced Polymers as Support for Catalysis by Group 10 Transition Metals
(2022) Processes, 10 (2), art. no. 345
Shi, Z., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Wei, Z., Chen, J., Ren, G., Guo, D., Yao, Y., Haubruge, E.
Three-dimensional (3D) printability assessment of food-ink systems with superfine ground white common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein based on different 3D food printers
(2022) LWT, 155, art. no. 112906
Samikannu, A., Mikkola, J.-P., Tirsoaga, A., Tofan, V., Fierascu, R.C., Richel, A., Verziu, M.N.
The activation of CâO bonds in lignin Miscanthus over acidic heterogeneous catalysts: towards lignin depolymerisation to monomer units
(2022) Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Danthine, S., Paul, A., Jansen, O., Ducrey, A., Richel, A., Lognay, G., Maesen, P., Kapepula, P.M., Mouithysmickalad, A., Franck, T., Frédérich, M.
Prunella vulgaris L. seeds: a promising source of lipids, proteins, and original phenolic compounds presenting high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity [Les graines de Prunella vulgaris L.: une source prometteuse de lipides, protéines et composés phénoliques originaux présentant des activités antioxydante et anti-inflammatoire importantes]
(2022) Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment, 26 (1), pp. 1-15.
Tien, N.N.T., Le, N.L., Khoi, T.T., Richel, A.
Influence of location, weather condition, maturity, and plant disease on chemical profiles of dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) branches grown in Vietnam
(2022) Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Tien, N.N.T., Le, N.L., Khoi, T.T., Richel, A.
Optimization of microwave-ultrasound-assisted extraction (MUAE) of pectin from dragon fruit peels using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES)
(2022) Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46 (1), art. no. e16117
Zhang, H., Liu, W., Shen, Q., Zhao, L., Zhang, C., Richel, A.
Discrimination of geographical origin and species of China’s cattle bones based on multi-element analyses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(2021) Food Chemistry, 356, art. no. 129619
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Qin, X., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., Richel, A.
Modulation of gut microbiota by chondroitin sulfate calcium complex during alleviation of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats
(2021) Carbohydrate Polymers, 266, art. no. 118099
Zhou, M., Bi, J., Lyu, J., Chen, J., Wang, R., Liu, X., Richel, A.
Structural conversion of pectin fractions during heat processing in relation to the ability of inhibiting lipid digestion: A case study of hawthorn pectin
(2021) Food Hydrocolloids, 117, art. no. 106721
Dumoulin, L., Jacquet, N., Malumba, P., Richel, A., Blecker, C.
Dry and wet fractionation of plant proteins: How a hybrid process increases yield and impacts nutritional value of faba beans proteins
(2021) Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 72, art. no. 102747
Guo, H., Hao, Y., Fan, X., Richel, A., Everaert, N., Yang, X., Ren, G.
Administration with quinoa protein reduces the blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats and modifies the fecal microbiota
(2021) Nutrients, 13 (7), art. no. 2446
Morin, S., Dumoulin, L., Delahaye, L., Jacquet, N., Richel, A.
Green composites based on thermoplastic starches and various natural plant fibers: Impacting parameters of the mechanical properties using machine-learning
(2021) Polymer Composites, 42 (7), pp. 3458-3467.
Berger, M., Radu, D., Detienne, G., Deschuyteneer, T., Richel, A., Ernst, D.
Remote Renewable Hubs for Carbon-Neutral Synthetic Fuel Production
(2021) Frontiers in Energy Research, 9, art. no. 671279
Zhang, H., Zhao, L., Shen, Q., Qi, L., Jiang, S., Guo, Y., Zhang, C., Richel, A.
Preparation of cattle bone collagen peptides-calcium chelate and its structural characterization and stability
(2021) LWT, 144, art. no. 111264
Richel, A., Coulembier, O.
Biosourcing and organic catalysis: Toward a possible synergy for the development of polymer materials [Deux options dâinvestissement synergiques Ă soutenir pour le dĂ©veloppement de matĂ©riaux polymĂšres]
(2021) Actualite Chimique, 462, pp. 25-33.
Wang, S., Huang, X., Zhang, Y., Yin, C., Richel, A.
The effect of corn straw return on corn production in Northeast China: An integrated regional evaluation with meta-analysis and system dynamics
(2021) Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, art. no. 105402
Kammoun, M., Berchem, T., Richel, A.
Ultrafast lignin extraction from unusual mediterranean lignocellulosic residues
(2021) Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2021 (169), art. no. e61997
Wang, S., Huang, X., Yin, C., Richel, A.
A critical review on the key issues and optimization of agricultural residue transportation
(2021) Biomass and Bioenergy, 146, art. no. 105979
Zhou, M., Bi, J., Chen, J., Wang, R., Richel, A.
Impact of pectin characteristics on lipid digestion under simulated gastrointestinal conditions: Comparison of water-soluble pectins extracted from different sources
(2021) Food Hydrocolloids, 112, art. no. 106350
Morin, S., Lecart, B., Lang, M., Richel, A.
Lignocellulosic fibres surface interactions in enzymatic reaction using data-mining
(2021) Carbohydrate Polymers, 254, art. no. 11741
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Mo, H., Zhang, H., Qin, X., Li, J., Zhang, Z., Richel, A.
Fabrication of chondroitin sulfate calcium complex and its chondrocyte proliferation in vitro
(2021) Carbohydrate Polymers, 254, art. no. 117282
Saha Tchinda, J.-B., Mbitnkeu Fetngna Tchebe, T., Abdou, T., Cheumani Yona, A.M., Fauconnier, M.L., Ndikontar Kor, M., Richel, A.
Fatty acid profiles, antioxidant, and phenolic contents of oils extracted from Acacia polyacantha and Azadirachta indica (Neem) seeds using green solvents
(2021) Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45 (2), art. no. e15115
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Amor, I.B., Fakhfakh, J., Gargouri, J., Lassoued, S., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Attia, H., Garna, H.
Effect of extraction procedures on the chemical structure, antitumor and anticoagulant properties of ulvan from Ulva lactuca of Tunisia coast
(2021) Carbohydrate Polymers, 253, art. no. 117283
Liu, Q., He, W.-Q., Aguedo, M., Xia, X., Bai, W.-B., Dong, Y.-Y., Song, J.-Q., Richel, A., Goffin, D.
Microwave-assisted alkali hydrolysis for cellulose isolation from wheat straw: Influence of reaction conditions and non-thermal effects of microwave
(2021) Carbohydrate Polymers, 253, art. no. 117170
Bengono, G.B., Souza, A., Tosso, F., Doucet, R., Richel, A., Doucet, J.-L.
The dialium of the guinean-congolese region. A review [Les dialium de la région guinéo-congolaise (SynthÚse bibliographique)]
(2021) Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment, 25 (3), pp. 172-191.
Lepage, T., Kammoun, M., Schmetz, Q., Richel, A.
Biomass-to-hydrogen: A review of main routes production, processes evaluation and techno-economical assessment
(2021) Biomass and Bioenergy, 144, art. no. 105920
Kammoun, M., Ayeb, H., Bettaieb, T., Richel, A.
Chemical characterisation and technical assessment of agri-food residues, marine matrices, and wild grasses in the South Mediterranean area: A considerable inflow for biorefineries
(2020) Waste Management, 118, pp. 247-257.
Guo, H., Hao, Y., Richel, A., Everaert, N., Chen, Y., Liu, M., Yang, X., Ren, G.
Antihypertensive effect of quinoa protein under simulated gastrointestinal digestion and peptide characterization
(2020) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100 (15), pp. 5569-5576.
Schmetz, Q., Muzyka, C., Berchem, T., Richel, A.
Monitoring technical lignin partition in aqueous/alcohol biphasic systems according to pH: Influences of the molecular structure and solvent characteristics
(2020) Green Chemistry, 22 (20), pp. 7031-7046.
Houmy, N., Melhaoui, R., Belhaj, K., Richel, A., Sindic, M., Hano, C., Kodad, S., Mihamou, A., Addi, M., Abid, M., Elamrani, A.
Chemical characterization of almond meal as a co-product of the mechanical extraction of almond oil
(2020) E3S Web of Conferences, 183, art. no. 04004
Hong, J., Mu, T., Sun, H., Richel, A., Blecker, C.
Valorization of the green waste parts from sweet potato (Impoea batatas L.): Nutritional, phytochemical composition, and bioactivity evaluation
(2020) Food Science and Nutrition, 8 (8), pp. 4086-4097.
Istasse, T., Lemaur, V., Debroux, G., Bockstal, L., Lazzaroni, R., Richel, A.
Monosaccharides Dehydration Assisted by Formation of Borate Esters of α-Hydroxyacids in Choline Chloride-Based Low Melting Mixtures
(2020) Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, art. no. 569
Istasse, T., Richel, A.
Mechanistic aspects of saccharide dehydration to furan derivatives for reaction media design
(2020) RSC Advances, 10 (40), pp. 23720-23742.
Berchem, T., Schmetz, Q., Lepage, T., Richel, A.
Single and Mixed Feedstocks Biorefining: Comparison of Primary Metabolites Recovery and Lignin Recombination During an Alkaline Process
(2020) Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, art. no. 479
Jacquet, N., Eudes, A., Dutta, T., Kim, K.H., Bouxin, F., Benites, V., Baidoo, E., Singh, S., Simmons, B., Loqué, D., Richel, A.
Influence of hydrocracking and ionic liquid pretreatments on composition and properties of Arabidopsis thaliana wild type and CAD mutant lignins
(2020) Renewable Energy, 152, pp. 1241-1249.
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Benelhadj, S., Adjouman, Y.D., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Sindic, M., Boufi, S., Attia, H., Garna, H.
Smart ulvan films responsive to stimuli of plasticizer and extraction condition in physico-chemical, optical, barrier and mechanical properties
(2020) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 150, pp. 714-726.
Tiappi Deumaga, M.F., Jacquet, N., Vanderghem, C., Aguedo, M., Thomas, H.G., Gerin, P., Deleu, M., Richel, A.
Fractionation and Structural Characterization of Hemicellulose from Steam-Exploded Banana Rachis
(2020) Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (5), pp. 2183-2192.
Morin, S., Lecart, B., Istasse, T., Bailly MaĂźtre Grand, C., Meddeb-Mouelhi, F., Beauregard, M., Richel, A.
Effect of a low melting temperature mixture on the surface properties of lignocellulosic flax bast fibers
(2020) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 148, pp. 851-856.
Shen, Q., Wang, H., Zhang, C., Qin, X., Jia, W., Xu, X., Richel, A., Zheng, Q.
Liquefaction of porcine hoof shell to prepare peptone substitute by instant catapult steam explosion
(2020) Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 129 (4), pp. 467-475.
Guo, H., Richel, A., Hao, Y., Fan, X., Everaert, N., Yang, X., Ren, G.
Novel dipeptidyl peptidase-IV and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides released from quinoa protein by in silico proteolysis
(2020) Food Science and Nutrition, 8 (3), pp. 1415-1422.
Kalala, G., Kambashi, B., Taminiau, B., Schroyen, M., Everaert, N., Beckers, Y., Richel, A., Njeumen, P., Pachikian, B., Neyrinck, A.M., Hiel, S., Rodriguez, J., Fall, P.A., Daube, G., Thissen, J.-P., Delzenne, N.M., Bindelle, J.
In vitro approach to evaluate the fermentation pattern of inulin-rich food in obese individuals
(2020) British Journal of Nutrition, 123 (4), pp. 472-479.
Uerlings, J., Schroyen, M., Bautil, A., Courtin, C., Richel, A., Sureda, E.A., Bruggeman, G., Tanghe, S., Willems, E., Bindelle, J., Everaert, N.
In vitro prebiotic potential of agricultural by-products on intestinal fermentation, gut barrier and inflammatory status of piglets
(2020) British Journal of Nutrition, 123 (3), pp. 293-307.
Shi, Z., Zhu, Y., Teng, C., Yao, Y., Ren, G., Richel, A.
Anti-obesity effects of α-amylase inhibitor enriched-extract from white common beans (: Phaseolus vulgaris L.) associated with the modulation of gut microbiota composition in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
(2020) Food and Function, 11 (2), pp. 1624-1634.
Zhao, Z.-K., Mu, T.-H., Zhang, M., Richel, A.
Effects of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids and High Hydrostatic Pressure on Structure and Gelation Properties of Sweet Potato Protein
(2019) Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12 (11), pp. 1863-1873.
Zhao, Z.-K., Mu, T.-H., Zhang, M., Richel, A.
Effects of high hydrostatic pressure and microbial transglutaminase treatment on structure and gelation properties of sweet potato protein
(2019) LWT, 115, art. no. 108436
Bockstal, L., Berchem, T., Schmetz, Q., Richel, A.
Devulcanisation and reclaiming of tires and rubber by physical and chemical processes: A review
(2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 236, art. no. 117574
Chen, J., Mu, T., Goffin, D., Blecker, C., Richard, G., Richel, A., Haubruge, E.
Application of soy protein isolate and hydrocolloids-based mixtures as promising food material in 3D food printing
(2019) Journal of Food Engineering, 261, pp. 76-86.
Morin, S., Bockstal, L., Jacquet, N., Richel, A.
One-step enzymatic grafting of ferulic acid with cellulose to enhance matricesâfibres compatibility in bio-composites
(2019) Journal of Materials Science, 54 (20), pp. 13314-13321.
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Jia, W., Qin, X., Cui, Z., Mo, H., Richel, A.
Co-production of chondroitin sulfate and peptide from liquefied chicken sternal cartilage by hot-pressure
(2019) Carbohydrate Polymers, 222, art. no. 115015
Uerlings, J., Bindelle, J., Schroyen, M., Richel, A., Bruggeman, G., Willems, E., Everaert, N.
Fermentation capacities of fructan- and pectin-rich by-products and purified fractions via an in vitro piglet faecal model
(2019) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99 (13), pp. 5720-5733.
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Boufi, S., Attia, H., Garna, H.
Effects of extraction procedures and plasticizer concentration on the optical, thermal, structural and antioxidant properties of novel ulvan films
(2019) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 135, pp. 647-658.
Schmetz, Q., Teramura, H., Morita, K., Oshima, T., Richel, A., Ogino, C., Kondo, A.
Versatility of a Dilute Acid/Butanol Pretreatment Investigated on Various Lignocellulosic Biomasses to Produce Lignin, Monosaccharides and Cellulose in Distinct Phases
(2019) ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7 (13), pp. 11069-11079.
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Jia, W., Qin, X., Xu, X., Ye, M., Mo, H., Richel, A.
Liquefaction of chicken sternal cartilage by steam explosion to isolate chondroitin sulfate
(2019) Carbohydrate Polymers, 215, pp. 73-81.
Dutoit, R., Delsaute, M., Collet, L., Wauven, C.V., Van Elder, D., Berlemont, R., Richel, A., Galleni, M., Bauvois, C.
Crystal structure determination of pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 endoglucanase Cel5A: The search for a molecular basis for glycosynthesis in GH5_5 enzymes
(2019) Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology, 75, pp. 605-615.
Florian, T.D.M., Villani, N., Aguedo, M., Jacquet, N., Thomas, H.G., Gerin, P., Magali, D., Richel, A.
Chemical composition analysis and structural features of banana rachis lignin extracted by two organosolv methods
(2019) Industrial Crops and Products, 132, pp. 269-274.
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